Monthly Archives: January 2024

A 29 day ritual practice to develop psychic abilities and bring fortunate dreams

If you want to improve your psychic abilities, undertake the following practices for 29 days. You can start at any time, but it will be easier to keep track if you start at the first of the month, or if you can start at a particular moon phase, as a complete cycle will return you back to that moon phase where you started. 

  1. Drink a cup of mugwort tea every day. Mugwort is an herb known to aid in psychic abilities, and it is common for some people to drink it as a tea. (check any for contrary recommendations for yourself) If mugwort is not your choice of herb, star anise also makes a good psychic herbal tea.
  2. Take a picture of yourself and place it under a candle holder. Using a white candle of any kind, tealight, chime, or even a glass encased vigil candle. Fix the candle with Psychic Vision oil or Aunt Sally’s Lucky Dream oil. As the candle burns each day, spend 5-15 minutes sitting in silence and letting your inner voice communicate with you. This may take the form of visions, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, or just a knowingness. 
  3. To help with dreams, keep a dream journal. Keep it nearby while you sleep and whenever you wake up, whatever you recall of your dreams, write it down in the journal. If you don’t recall anything, write this down as well, as it shows that you’re wanting to recall and can stimulate recall. This journal can be a notebook, sketchbook, even an app on your phone, or sound recording. 
  4. During this 29 day period, take 4 spiritual baths using psychic vision or lucky dream bath crystals. Collect your bath water and dispose of it at a crossroads while facing towards the rising sun. 
  5. To help with dreams, you can write down the 23rd Psalm on a sheet of paper. Fold this up and place it under your pillow while you sleep. This will help bring fortunate dreams that can give you insight, lucky numbers, guidance to resolve problems and many more.

During and towards the end of the 29 days, you will find your psychic abilities to have increased and noticeably as well as an increase in dreaming and lucky or prophetic dreams.

Happy New Year!

Recently on social media I saw a post about the phrase “May you live in interesting times” and a reminder that the phrase is meant as a curse.
The poster than followed this by saying their blessing was “May you living in boring, peaceful times” which I found a little lackluster, so I offer this up to the world. May you live in Peaceful and Prosperous times.
I think people forget about the benefits of peace, tranquility and calm. Free from stress. Able to focus. You can rest, you can heal, you can recharge.